Thursday, November 17, 2016

Peace Be Still....

As a mommy, I love to listen to my children laugh, and listen to my children play, and listen to my children tell me (no matter how long it takes to get through it) a story, but I also love it when there is a moment of silence. Every mommy knows the moment I'm talking about. The husband is showering, the kids are off to bed, and they are done making the 4,912 trips back into the living room to ask for things like drinks, stories, a different stuffed animal, etc.  I know every mommy reading this knows THAT moment. In that moment, I like to listen to the quiet. The stillness of peace that has settled in the house. I drink it in, I enjoy it, knowing it won't last long.....and just as I take a long, deep breath, here comes my baby boy, who is certain that the daddy long legsl spider in his room is going to eat him in his sleep and it must die NOW, and the moment is gone.

The stillness and quiet may have left, and those moments may be few and far between, but as far as peace goes.....I still have peace. You see, when I was single and all I wanted in the whole world was a husband and children, I would sit in my lonely, quiet home, longing for something to fill that emptiness. begging God to fulfill the desire of my heart and make me a wife and mother. So, yes, I enjoy my quiet moments that are quite elusive in my house, but I am at peace in this life knowing God has given me all that I prayed for and more in the stillness.

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