Friday, March 10, 2017

Women's Day???

Well, once again, I am in my own little world, just taking care of my daily life, and missing out on National Women's Day.  Apparently a large number of women took part in  "A Day Without Women", where they didn't participate in their jobs and such as a demonstration of how important women are.  I missed it.....because I was busy being wife and a mommy, and doing all the things I do every day.
  I'm beginning to wonder in this time of bold political statements, and large-scale point proving, if we, as women have forgotten the little eyes and ears that would be guided by our behavior.  What does it say to our daughters about "empowering women" by skipping out on our responsibilities?  What does it say to our sons when it appears women loathe men? What does it say to our spouses who went to work and didn't demand "A Day Without Man"?  I understand the concept, but really, what does it accomplish? I am of the opinion that our daughters and sons learn more about our worth as women when they see all we do for our families.  If we stop, even for a day, we may lose our footing...and every mother knows exactly what I'm talking about.
  As for me and my house, it was business as usual, because everyone in my house knows, a day without mommy is a day of chaos indeed! My most recent two-day flu bug was demonstration enough for them.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Remake Double Take

My baby girl and I have been looking forward to the live action Disney remake of Beauty and the Beast since they announced it was coming.  As a fluffy gal, I always loved the theme of the story: Looking past the outward appearance to see the beauty within.  My daughter and I have been planning an IMAX experience! That is when Disney dropped a bit of news that I wasn't quite prepared for.  I know that the live action movies have some changes made to update stories, but when the story broke that Gaston's comic side-kick, Lafue, has been re-written to be openly gay, I just wasn't prepared.

I am a Christian, and I believe what God's Word says about homosexuality.  I am NOT one of those Christians who yells my disapproval and condemnation.  My place is not that of judge. I believe in ALL of the Bible, including loving everyone, and I teach my children the same.

I shared that to say this:  I will NOT be taking my daughter to see this movie we have been anticipating. Not just because they changed the movie to include a gay character.  I'm not living in a bubble and I realize that my children will encounter LGBT people in our world, and I will teach them to love them, but I do not have to give my money to see a movie that I have been forewarned will promote a gay character.  You see, in life, we have no choice who we encounter, but when I have a choice, I will choose to avoid supporting things that are contrary to God's Word.

I am not against the LGBT community, and I still love everyone, but I can love without agreeing with people.  In this case, my disagreement with Disney to sneak agendas in the face of my kids means they don't get my money on this one.  That is my take on this one.